Rarity is a mechanism used to indicate the value or difficulty of a card, and to restrict cards' usage through deckbuilding limits for specific rarities. Rarity comes in three forms, Common, Platinum and Brimstone.
Common rarity is the default rarity and does not affect card rendering.
Common rarity is indicated in two locations. Common for the purposes of deckbuilding is set by selecting Common from the Rarity dropdown in the Card section of Encounters, Equipment, Companions, Modifiers, etc.. Common style rendering is more or less determined by entries in the Appearance Prefab dropdown in the Art section of relevant cards engine that don't end with _Rare or _Brimstone.
Platinum rarity (also referred to as "Rare") indicates that a card is significantly valuable or powerful. Platinum cards have a silvery glow around them and elements on the card face are shaded to appear silver and shining.
Platinum rarity is indicated in two locations. Platinum for the purposes of deckbuilding is set by selecting Platinum from the Rarity dropdown in the Card section of Encounters, Equipment, Companions, Modifiers, etc.. Platinum visual effects are determined by entries in the Appearance Prefab dropdown in the Art section of relevant cards engine with _Rare.
In Platinum card art, the value of the blue channel determines the intensity of the effect. 32bit TGA images are recommended.
Brimstone rarity indicates that a card is significantly difficult or dangerous. Brimstone cards have a firey glow around them and elements on the card face are shaded to appear red and flaming.
Brimstone rarity is indicated in two locations. Brimstone for the purposes of deckbuilding is set by selecting Brimstone from the Rarity dropdown in the Card section of Encounters, Equipment, Companions, Modifiers, etc.. Brimstone visual effects are determined by entries in the Appearance Prefab dropdown in the Art section of relevant cards engine with _Brimstone.
In Brimstone card art, the value of the blue channel determines the intensity of the effect. 32bit TGA images are recommended.
The HoF2 editor tools contain references to Bronze and Obsidian rarities that are not present in the game.