Cards Tab/Encounters Tab

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The Encounters tab showing the starting encounter for The Fool.

The Encounters Tab under the Cards Tab allows for new Encounters to be created, and existing Encounters to be edited and cloned.

The Encounters Tab has the following panels:


The Encounters tab's toolbar.
Name Display Mode
When the Union Jack icon is greyed out, filenames are displayed in the Encounter List. When it is solid, in-game strings are displayed instead.
Search Bar
Filters the Encounter List to items that match the entered search terms. Keep in mind that this respects the Name Display Mode.
Displays the Encounter Card Prefab Wizard pre-populated with whatever has been entered into the Search Bar.
Filters the Encounter List to items that are used or unused.
Filters the Encounter List to items that have or do not have tokens.
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Tasks in their Encounter Tree, event listeners, etc.
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Combat Objectives in their Encounter Tree.
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Events.
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Variables in their Encounter Tree.
Variable Types
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Keywords.
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Rarities.
Design Types
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Design Types.
Design States
Filters the Encounter List to items that use the selected Design States.
Utility Text
Filters the Encounter List to items that have or do not have Utility Text.